Shawn starting playing drums in Middle School with his cousin, whom had a drum kit, and let him play whenever. With the support of his mother and grandmother, he decided that drums were doing to be a huge part of his life. Playing in a rock/ cover band in high school with a band called NVS, he furthered his abilities. Soon after he was a founding member of The Breakpoint Method in 2007 and releasing a full length album Empty Promises on 2010. The Breakpoint Method even played a few shows with BFT and SoK. After consideration in 2012, he left the band and went on an 8 year hiatus to focus on personal life. Shawn kept a close relationship with Darkness, Matt, and Travis in those years. At the beginning of 2021 Shawn was approached with the heart wrenching news that Darkness could no longer continue playing drums in the band. After the decision was made to keep the legacy alive and well, Shawn was announced as the new drummer for the newly named Reform in Ruin.