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This year’s Merry Mayhem will be on December 11th. Merry Mayhem is a toy drive concert organized by Reform in Ruin’s vocalist Matt and previous drummer Derrick. As musicians we want to use our talents and what we know best, putting on concerts, to help benefit local children in need.

Last year the Merry Mayhem concert was canceled due to Covid-19 but we were still able to get plenty of toys for the kiddos. Here are a few photos from last year’s haul.

1/2 2020 Toy donations
2/2 2020 toy donations

All bands on the bill are donating their time and talents. This years linup is;
Reform in Ruin
Diabolical Orange Monkey
Terran Severance
and Ephemerus

We also have a few sponsors helping put on this event. Those current sponsors are;
The Muse Ballroom
Andrew Strong (live audio)

If you or your company would like to sponsor Merry Mayhem please reach out to us and we can make this the most successful Merry Mayhem yet!